Let Your App Top The Charts With Android App Maintenance

Google Play Store saw a whopping 27% growth rate this year in the number of Android app downloads. That's a considerable increase in the volume of apps downloaded per year. With such a steep rise in popularity comes inevitable flexibility in technology as per the extended user group's requirement. Well, as a leading Android app maintenance company, we are always at the bay by upping our skills and matching the pace when it comes to restructuring and aligning your products with the latest advancements in technology.

Our Android app maintenance service aims at bridging the technology gaps that are prone to widen if not attended promptly. Technocrats on our team hone the skill sets that make you stand above par with the existing market trends. From small UI/UX tweak to changing the entire flow for core functionalities, we are always game for the challenges thrown at us.

Information security and customer satisfaction are the highlights that set us apart when compared to other companies that provide maintenance of the android app.

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Why go for Android App Maintenance ?

Choosing to go for long-term android app maintenance has more benefits than one.


Reduced Uninstalls

71% of the mobile app users (especially Android users) take a U-turn within the first 90 days of app installation. To retain a majority of that population, all that is required is to fix bugs and enhance product performance overtime regularly.


Enhanced User Experience

Revisiting the product design at regular intervals results in better user experiences. After all, better lasting relationships with end-users is the key to a product's success.


Edge over Competition

To stand out in the market, your product needs to look fresh all the time; and it can only be ensured by frequently updating the app with new looks and features.


Financial Benefits In Long Run

A regularly updated application incurs high ROI and low cost. If an issue remains unattended for a long period it may result in a heavy going forward. It also allows businesses to look for ways to cut down on overall costs and acquire new users over an extended period.


A Positive Brand Image

Your brand image may tarnish over time if your product doesn't reflect the latest trends in the market. Regular app maintenance keeps unwanted bad reviews away from your social media profile and other places when your brand image is exhibited.


Authorization and Security

We use AWS Identity and Access Management to ensure that the system remains free from unauthorized access of the system and resources at all times.

  • New Feature Addition

    Based on your user feedback and usage pattern you may wish to expand your feature palette to retain those users and keep them interested to explore more.

  • New Hardware/Software support

    With new versions of Android coming every year, it's become increasingly important to keep your product in line with the architectural requirements.

  • UI Updates

    Everchanging app architectures, look and feel, styles, and usage patterns of your customers require you to regularly update the interface of your application if you are aiming for your product's success in the long run.

  • Timely Bug Fixes

    If you let the bugs accumulate over time, it may end up in your app crashing unexpectedly and increased expenses for fixing them when it comes to that point. We don't want that to happen.

  • Performance Monitoring

    Following up regularly on how your app is performing is crucial to the product's longevity. Retention and churn rates, usage patterns, and user engagements need to be analyzed carefully to strategize the growth plan for your product.

  • Routined System Maintenance

    Your users never want to see the "System down for maintenance" message on their screen. We avoid missing out on bugs and errors by scheduling regular system maintenance for your products.

  • License renewal

    Most apps are built on licensed technologies. We do our homework on keeping a tight watch on when a particular license needs to be renewed.

Mobile App Maintenance

Unlike other platforms, all mobile-based applications face a common challenge of frequently changing architecture. Mobile OS companies like Apple (iOS) and Google (Android OS) are constantly on a spree of changing the underlying system software. Due to this, mobile app maintenance services have risen as primary service requirements for companies that wish to keep their products at the topmost positions on the charts. Mobile application maintenance services cover a multitude of app maintenance strategies that are targeted at giving your products a healthy life cycle and increasing user retention.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Mobile app maintenance?

    As your business grows, so does your product. And, a larger business brings with it a bigger user group that needs to be satisfied. To match the expectations of your mobile app users, you must keep the functionalities and security parameters updated with technology and trends. The infrastructure of your application is also a dynamic variable that changes as and when your user group changes size considerably. Mobile app maintenance services take care of regularly keep a check on parameters that need updating, fix bugs, and avoid any security threats as you scale your product with the business requirements.

  2. Android app maintenance service includes a few major activities. These activities are carried out based on performance, security, and scalability. These activities include:

    1. Upgrading to the latest OS version: Android versions upgrade almost every year. Proactively upgrading to the latest versions of the underlying OS crucial to match that pace if you want to keep the app entirely functional for your users.
    2. Upgrading Design as per trends: It's important to keep your applications fresh and trendy to match up to industry standards and user expectations.
    3. Updating Functionalities: The propositions of your product may evolve as it grows to incorporate more users and use cases. It required that you keep your feature pallet updated and fresh with new feature additions and removal of old features.
  3. Typically, Android App maintenance costs account for 15-20% of the overall development cost. So, if your development costs are $1,00,000, you can estimate a maintenance bill around $15,00-$20,000.

    Spending more time and money on the first build of your product can reduce this cost. But, by doing that, you will end up spending on app features that may not be very lucrative for your business. Spending on maintenance service directs most of your efforts on features that are popularly used and would prove to be business-friendly in the future based on research findings.

  4. Maintaining Android Apps serves more purposes than one:

    1. App Maintenance helps reduce the number of uninstalls considerably. Users begin to love the updates that suit their requirements.
    2. Maintenance enhances the user experience progressively. With every cycle of maintenance, usage patterns are studied, and appropriate changes are included in the next iterations.
    3. It gives you an edge over the competition. While your users keep asking for more, you take the lead by listening to their demands and reflecting it through your app updates.
    4. It's good for business growth. Isn't that obvious given the number of users you'd retain with every new update?
    5. Oh, and it improves your brand image drastically. There is nothing more attractive than a fresh and well-maintained and application for users to explore.